glscale - Man Page

glScale(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			   glScale(3G)

     glScaled, glScalef	- multiply the current matrix by a general scaling

     void glScaled( GLdouble x,
		    GLdouble y,
		    GLdouble z )
     void glScalef( GLfloat x,
		    GLfloat y,
		    GLfloat z )

     x,	y, z
	    Specify scale factors along	the x, y, and z	axes, respectively.

     glScale produces a	general	scaling	along the x, y,	and z axes.  The three
     arguments indicate	the desired scale factors along	each of	the three
     axes.  The	resulting matrix is

				( x    0   0   0  )
				|		  |
				|  0  y	   0   0  |
				|  0   0  z    0  |
				|		  |
				(  0   0   0   1  )

     The current matrix	(see glMatrixMode) is multiplied by this scale matrix,
     with the product replacing	the current matrix.  That is, if M is the
     current matrix and	S is the scale matrix, then M is replaced with M o S.

     If	the matrix mode	is either GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION, all objects
     drawn after glScale is called are scaled.	Use glPushMatrix and
     glPopMatrix to save and restore the unscaled coordinate system.

     If	scale factors other than 1.0 are applied to the	modelview matrix and
     lighting is enabled, automatic normalization of normals should probably
     also be enabled (glEnable and glDisable with argument GL_NORMALIZE).

     GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glScale is executed between the
     execution of glBegin and the corresponding	execution of glEnd.

     glGet with	argument GL_MATRIX_MODE
     glGet with	argument GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX
     glGet with	argument GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX
     glGet with	argument GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX

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glScale(3G)		       OpenGL Reference			   glScale(3G)

     glMatrixMode, glMultMatrix, glPushMatrix, glRotate, glTranslate

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